Customer Testimonials

See why innovative companies choose Mirro to build transparent and thriving workplace cultures. Read what our customers are saying.
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We appreciate Mirro’s social component. It is very rewarding for new colleagues to receive birthday and work anniversary messages from those who have been with the company for 10-15 years. Another helpful feature for us is the work-from-office requests. Through it, it is effortless to keep track of who is in the office on certain days.

Recruitment Coordinator & HR Business Partner



Recruitment Coordinator &
HR Business Partner


We appreciate Mirro’s social component. It is very rewarding for new colleagues to receive birthday and work anniversary messages from those who have been with the company for 10-15 years. Another helpful feature for us is the work-from-office requests. Through it, it is effortless to keep track of who is in the office on certain days.

We chose Mirro because it was the best choice from multiple platforms that provide performance management tools. The main reason we chose Mirro was the friendly and helpful team, which is very oriented towards building a product that is valuable for the employees of the company. The second reason was the features Mirro provides that are engaging, likable, and easier to use than other tools.

Rareș Băcioiu

People Analytics & Tools Manager


We’ll be using the company values graphs extensively. I love that we have clear, actionable intel at a glance:
it’s easy to see what values need to be acknowledged more and we can take immediate action.

Katerina Andritsou

People Manager


Mirro is an easy-to-use platform with a friendly interface. The main advantage comes from the platform’s ability to foster interaction and socialization. Moreover, when an employee's seniority becomes a reason for recognition and appreciation, celebrating it brings added value individually and at the company level.

Mihnea Dorobantu
Campaign Manager


Mihnea Dorobantu

Campaign Manager


Mirro is an easy-to-use platform with a friendly interface. The main advantage comes from the platform’s ability to foster interaction and socialization. Moreover, when an employee's seniority becomes a reason for recognition and appreciation, celebrating it brings added value individually and at the company level.

We were looking for a friendly and intuitive HR system when we found out about Mirro. We had a hard time adopting a competitor’s tool because they didn’t offer the support we were looking for in terms of onboarding. When we reached out to Mirro, we saw a lot of availability and openness to tailor their presentation to our needs and to support us in adopting the tool in the best possible way.

Evelina Necula

Co-founder & CMO


Mirro is a helpful tool for our agency regarding HR Management and Performance Management. Our employees enjoy features such as Kudos & Feedback, which are useful for ongoing performance tracking. Employment contracts are beneficial for our HR team, and management loves OKRs. Mirro is a must-have tool for any small to large business. Highly recommended! 

Vlad Dulea

Co-founder & Executive Manager


Mirro is a reliable friend and source where I can find a lot of helpful information for my work. I like Mirro’s friendly interface (filters, texts, emoji, gifs). Moreover, Mirro helps me keep up to date with everything that’s going on in the company, such as my colleagues’ birthdays or how long they’ve been with us. In short, Mirro creates perfect occasions to show gratitude towards our colleagues.

Alexandra Floroiu
People & Employer Branding Ambassadorr

Alexandra-Floroiu-removebg-preview (1)

Alexandra Floroiu

People & Employer Branding Ambassadorr


Mirro is a reliable friend and source where I can find a lot of helpful information for my work. I like Mirro’s friendly interface (filters, texts, emoji, gifs). Moreover, Mirro helps me keep up to date with everything that’s going on in the company, such as my colleagues’ birthdays or how long they’ve been with us. In short, Mirro creates perfect occasions to show gratitude towards our colleagues.

I especially like the engagement, feedback, and performance management. Moreover, the Kudos functionality has helped give recognition and build trust across colleagues and teams. We’ve increased engagement and feedback exchanges while measuring all the appropriate metrics better.

Alex Dobre

Business Line Director


The adoption decision weighed heavily on the quick responses and friendly interaction with the customer success team. Moreover, we are constantly working with the team to see how we can integrate a tool like Mirro into an international school and what are the best ways to evaluate a teacher. Step by step, we are building a scalable process other schools can adopt. 

Catrinel Grigorovici

Public Affairs Director


We were blown away by the social network graph and I absolutely loved watching the company values put into clear numbers for adoption. And definitely there is valuable data to be used since the talent aquisition phase.

Răzvan Badea

Head of HR

REVEL logo

Our goal was to have a friendly and easy-to-use app covering HR admin and performance management. We want our people to be more responsible for their evaluations, and this is why we enjoy Mirro because our people can gather their feedback, the check-ins are always open, & we also have real-time overviews for OKRs. 

Veronica Sandu (Bălan)

People Director


Mirro helps us be more organized and connected in a remote environment. I love the Kudos feature. It really helps create a more cohesive team spirit when working remotely. I also like the interface and how easy it is to manage my team’s vacation days and cross-compare to all the organization’s members.

Cristina Boncea

Content Manager


Mirro’s HR platform has become integral to our company’s operations. It’s like having a dedicated HR assistant at our fingertips. The People Directory and organizational charts are no longer trade secrets - we can find and connect with team members in just a few clicks. Managing employment contracts and documents has never been easier, thanks to the streamlined processes and customization options.

Patricia Gogoașă

HR Manager & Talent Coach


What I like the most about Mirro is the performance tab, where you can ask for feedback (external or internal). I also like the company feed, where you can see all your colleagues and all their birthdays. I’m also enjoying the Kudos feature; they’re fun, and you can brighten a day with one.

Ramona Valeria Giurgiuca

Senior Business Support Specialist


Loved the social network graph, as we can see clearly who is engaged socially or not and we can have some internal initiatives to engage them more. 

Penelope Barton

Chief of Staff & 
Chief People Officer


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